Roberta Raileanu

I am a Research Scientist at Meta GenAI based in London, working on building generally capable autonomous agents. In 2021, I obtained my PhD in Computer Science from NYU, advised by Rob Fergus. My focus was on deep reinforcement learning. During my PhD, I was fortunate to intern at DeepMind, Microsoft Research, and Facebook AI Research.

Previously, I obtained a B.A. in Astrophysics from Princeton University, where I worked with Michael Strauss on theoretical cosmology and Eve Ostriker on supernovae simulations.

In a past life (aka high school), I was fortunate to have the opportunity of competing in IPhO, IOAA, IAO, as well as national math and computer science olympiads.

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I am broadly interested in designing machine learning algorithms that can make robust sequential decisions in complex environments, while constantly acquiring new skills and knowledge. My long-term goal is to develop models that can solve a wide range of new tasks with little or no supervision and training. I also care deeply about ensuring such systems are reliable, trustworthy, and aligned with human intentions.

My work draws from fields such as reinforcement learning, open-ended learning, self-supervised learning, and natural language processing. Currently, I work at the intersection of large language models (LLMs) and decision making / RL. In particular, I focus on augmenting LLMs with decision making abilities (e.g. planning, reasoning, actions, tools, and goals), and teaching them to learn from (human) feedback and interaction in an open-ended learning fashion.

I'm also interested in understanding and improving the generalization and robustness of autonomous agents and large pretrained models. In the past, I've worked on deep reinforcement learning, exploration, fast adaptation, learning from demonstrations, as well as continual and multi-agent learning.

Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools
Timo Schick, Jane Dwivedi-Yu, Roberto Dessi, Roberta Raileanu, Maria Lomeli, Luke Zettlemoyer, Nicola Cancedda, Thomas Scialom
arXiv, 2023

A method that teaches language models to use tools in a self-supervised way.

Augmented Language Models: a Survey
Grégoire Mialon et al.
arXiv, 2023

Survey on augmenting language models with reasoning, actions, and tool use.

Building a Subspace of Policies for Scalable Continual Learning
Jean-Baptiste Gaya, Thang Doan, Lucas Caccia, Laure Soulier, Ludovic Denoyer, Roberta Raileanu
ICLR, 2023 (spotlight, top-25%)

Introduce a continual reinforcement learning method that incrementally builds a subspace of policies and adaptively prunes it to preserve a good trade-off between model size and performance.

Dungeons and Data: A Large-Scale NetHack Dataset
Eric Hambro, Roberta Raileanu, Danielle Rothermel, Vegard Mella, Tim Rocktäschel Heinrich Küttler, Naila Murray
NeurIPS, 2022
paper / code

Present the NetHack Learning Dataset (NLD), a large and highly scalable dataset of human and bot trajectories on the popular game of NetHack.

Exploration via Elliptical Episodic Bonuses
Mikael Henaff, Roberta Raileanu, Minqi Jiang, Tim Rocktäschel
NeurIPS, 2022
paper / code / website

Extend episodic count-based bonuses to continuous state spaces for better exploration of contextual MDPs with high-dimensional observations.

Improving Intrinsic Exploration with Language Abstractions
Jesse Mu, Victor Zhong, Roberta Raileanu, Minqi Jiang, Noah Goodman, Tim Rocktaschel, Edward Grefenstette
NeurIPS, 2022

Using language to highlight relevant state abstractions leads to better exploration in sparse reward procedurally generated environments.

Open-Ended Learning Leads to Generally Capable Agents
Open Ended Learning Team, Adam Stooke, Anuj Mahajan, Catarina Barros, Charlie Deck, Jakob Bauer, Jakub Sygnowski, Maja Trebacz, Max Jaderberg, Michael Mathieu, Nat McAleese, Nathalie Bradley-Schmieg, Nathaniel Wong, Nicolas Porcel, Roberta Raileanu, Steph Hughes-Fitt, Valentin Dalibard, Wojciech Marian Czarnecki

Training agents on dynamically changing task distributions leads to more general agents capable of solving a wide range of tasks in procedurally generated environments.

Decoupling Value and Policy for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
Roberta Raileanu, Rob Fergus
ICML, 2021 (oral)
paper / code

Using a common representation for the policy and value function can lead to overfitting in deep reinforcement learning. To improve generalization, use the advantage instead of the value as auxiliary loss to train the policy network, while encouraging the representation to be invariant to task-irrelevant properties of the environment.

Automatic Data Augmentation for Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Roberta Raileanu, Max Goldstein, Denis Yarats, Ilya Kostrikov, Rob Fergus
NeurIPS, 2021
Inductive Biases, Invariances and Generalization in RL (BIG) Workshop, ICML, 2020 (oral)
paper / code / slides / website

Use UCB to automatically select an augmentation from a given set, which is then used to regularize the policy and value function of an RL agent.

Fast Adaptation via Policy-Dyamics Value Functions
Roberta Raileanu, Max Goldstein, Arthur Szlam, Rob Fergus
ICML, 2020
Beyond "Tabula Rasa" in Reinforcement Learning (BeTR-RL) Workshop, ICLR, 2020 (oral)
paper / code / slides / website

Learn a value function for a space of policies and environments (with different dynamics) and use it for fast adaptation in new environments with unseen dynamics.

RIDE: Rewarding Impact-Driven Exploration for Procedurally-Generated Environments
Roberta Raileanu, Tim Rocktäschel
ICLR, 2020
paper / code / slides

Reward agents for taking actions that lead to large changes in the environment and for visiting new states within an episode.

The NetHack Learning Environment
Heinrich Küttler, Nantas Nardelli, Alexander H. Miller, Roberta Raileanu, Marco Selvatici, Edward Grefenstette, Tim Rocktäschel
NeurIPS, 2020
Beyond "Tabula Rasa" in Reinforcement Learning (BeTR-RL) Workshop, ICLR, 2020
paper / code / slides

The NetHack Learning Environment (NLE) is a fast, procedurally generated, stochastic, rich, and challenging environment for RL research based on the popular game NetHack.

Learning with AMIGo: Adversarially Motivated Intrinsic Goals
Andres Campero, Roberta Raileanu, Heinrich Küttler, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Tim Rocktäschel, Edward Grefenstette,
ICLR, 2021
paper / code

A teacher learns to generate goals at an appropriate level of difficulty for a student, creating an automatic curriculum that aids exploration.

Backplay: "Man muss immer umkehren"
Cinjon Resnick*, Roberta Raileanu*, Sanyam Kapoor, Alexander Peysakhovich, Kyunghyun Cho, Joan Bruna
Reinforcement Learning in Games Workshop, AAAI, 2019
paper / slides

Create a curriculum by initializing the RL agent along a single demonstration (either optimal or suboptimal) starting near the end of the trajectory.

Modeling Others using Oneself in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Roberta Raileanu, Emily Denton, Arthur Szlam, Rob Fergus
ICML, 2018
Emergent Communication Workshop, NeurIPS, 2017
paper / slides

Simulate other agents' behavior and infer their intentions by using your own policy.

Superbubbles in the Multiphase ISM and the Loading of Galactic Winds
Chang-Goo Kim, Eve C. Ostriker, Roberta Raileanu,
The Astrophysical Journal, 2016

Use numerical simulations to analyze the evolution and properties of superbubbles, driven by supernovae, that propagate into the two-phase, cloudy interstellar medium.

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